v0.5.0.1 (Elephant)
static void Load(io::InputStream &input, SecretLockInfo &lockInfo)
Loads secret lock info extended data from input into lockInfo.
Definition: SecretLockInfoSerializer.cpp:32
Hash256 Secret
Definition: SecretLockInfo.h:56
void Write8(TIo &output, uint8_t value)
Writes value into output.
Definition: PodIoUtils.h:54
A secret lock info.
Definition: SecretLockInfo.h:29
Policy for saving and loading secret lock info extended data.
Definition: SecretLockInfoSerializer.h:28
Policy for saving and loading lock info data.
Definition: LockInfoSerializer.h:30
constexpr std::underlying_type_t< TEnum > to_underlying_type(TEnum value)
Converts a strongly typed enumeration value to its underlying integral value.
Definition: Casting.h:37
virtual void write(const RawBuffer &buffer)=0
Hash256 CompositeHash
Composite hash.
Definition: SecretLockInfo.h:62
static void Save(const SecretLockInfo &lockInfo, io::OutputStream &output)
Saves lockInfo extended data to output.
Definition: SecretLockInfoSerializer.cpp:26
auto Read8(TIo &input)
Reads value from input.
Definition: PodIoUtils.h:90
Hash256 CalculateSecretLockInfoHash(const Hash256 &secret, const Address &recipient)
Calculates the secret lock info hash from secret and recipient.
Definition: LockHashUtils.cpp:64
static constexpr uint16_t State_Version
Serialized state version.
Definition: SecretLockInfoSerializer.h:39
catapult::Address Recipient
Recipient of the locked mosaic.
Definition: SecretLockInfo.h:59
model::LockHashAlgorithm HashAlgorithm
Hash algorithm.
Definition: SecretLockInfo.h:53
Definition: AddressExtractionExtension.cpp:28
Policy for saving and loading secret lock info data.
Definition: SecretLockInfoSerializer.h:37
Writer interface.
Definition: Stream.h:41