CatapultServer  v0.5.0.1 (Elephant)
Address.cpp File Reference
Include dependency graph for Address.cpp:




Address catapult::model::StringToAddress (const std::string &encoded)
 Creates an address from an encoded address (encoded). More...
std::string catapult::model::AddressToString (const Address &address)
 Creates an encoded address from an address. More...
Address catapult::model::PublicKeyToAddress (const Key &publicKey, NetworkIdentifier networkIdentifier)
 Creates an address from a public key (publicKey) for the network identified by networkIdentifier. More...
bool catapult::model::IsValidAddress (const Address &address, NetworkIdentifier networkIdentifier)
 Returns a value indicating whether or not the given address is valid for the network identified by networkIdentifier. More...
bool catapult::model::IsValidEncodedAddress (const std::string &encoded, NetworkIdentifier networkIdentifier)


const uint8_t catapult::model::Checksum_Size = 4