| catapult::consumers::DEFINE_CONSUMER_RESULT (Empty_Input, 1) |
| Validation failed because the consumer input is empty. More...
| catapult::consumers::DEFINE_CONSUMER_RESULT (Block_Transactions_Hash_Mismatch, 2) |
| Validation failed because the block transactions hash does not match the calculated value. More...
| catapult::consumers::DEFINE_NEUTRAL_CONSUMER_RESULT (Hash_In_Recency_Cache, 3) |
| Validation failed because an entity hash is present in the recency cache. More...
| catapult::consumers::DEFINE_CONSUMER_RESULT (Remote_Chain_Too_Many_Blocks, 4) |
| Validation failed because the chain part has too many blocks. More...
| catapult::consumers::DEFINE_CONSUMER_RESULT (Remote_Chain_Improper_Link, 5) |
| Validation failed because the chain is internally improperly linked. More...
| catapult::consumers::DEFINE_CONSUMER_RESULT (Remote_Chain_Duplicate_Transactions, 6) |
| Validation failed because the chain part contains duplicate transactions. More...
| catapult::consumers::DEFINE_CONSUMER_RESULT (Remote_Chain_Unlinked, 7) |
| Validation failed because the chain part does not link to the current chain. More...
| catapult::consumers::DEFINE_CONSUMER_RESULT (Remote_Chain_Mismatched_Difficulties, 8) |
| Validation failed because the remote chain difficulties do not match the calculated difficulties. More...
| catapult::consumers::DEFINE_CONSUMER_RESULT (Remote_Chain_Score_Not_Better, 9) |
| Validation failed because the remote chain score is not better. More...
| catapult::consumers::DEFINE_CONSUMER_RESULT (Remote_Chain_Too_Far_Behind, 10) |
| Validation failed because the remote chain is too far behind. More...
| catapult::consumers::DEFINE_CONSUMER_RESULT (Remote_Chain_Too_Far_In_Future, 11) |
| Validation failed because the remote chain timestamp is too far in the future. More...