CatapultServer  v0.5.0.1 (Elephant)
MongoCacheStorage.h File Reference
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struct  catapult::mongo::storages::detail::MongoElementFilter< TCacheTraits, TElementContainerType >
 Defines a mongo element filter. More...
struct  catapult::mongo::storages::BasicMongoCacheStorageTraits< TDescriptor >
 Defines types for mongo cache storage given a cache descriptor. More...
class  catapult::mongo::storages::MongoHistoricalCacheStorage< TCacheTraits >
 A mongo cache storage that persists historical cache data using delete and insert. More...
class  catapult::mongo::storages::MongoFlatCacheStorage< TCacheTraits >
 A mongo cache storage that persists flat cache data using delete and upsert. More...

