CatapultServer  v0.5.0.1 (Elephant)
NodeDiscoveryHandlers.h File Reference
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using catapult::handlers::NodeConsumer = consumer< const ionet::Node & >
 Consumes a node. More...
using catapult::handlers::NodesConsumer = consumer< const ionet::NodeSet & >
 Consumes multiple nodes. More...
using catapult::handlers::NodesSupplier = supplier< ionet::NodeSet >
 Supplies nodes. More...


void catapult::handlers::RegisterNodeDiscoveryPushPingHandler (ionet::ServerPacketHandlers &handlers, model::NetworkIdentifier networkIdentifier, const NodeConsumer &nodeConsumer)
void catapult::handlers::RegisterNodeDiscoveryPullPingHandler (ionet::ServerPacketHandlers &handlers, const std::shared_ptr< const ionet::NetworkNode > &pLocalNode)
void catapult::handlers::RegisterNodeDiscoveryPushPeersHandler (ionet::ServerPacketHandlers &handlers, const NodesConsumer &nodesConsumer)
 Registers a node discovery push peers handler in handlers that forwards received nodes to nodesConsumer. More...
void catapult::handlers::RegisterNodeDiscoveryPullPeersHandler (ionet::ServerPacketHandlers &handlers, const NodesSupplier &nodesSupplier)
 Registers a node discovery pull peers handler in handlers that responds with nodes from nodesSupplier. More...